What You’ll Notice After Radiant Heat Installation

Radiant heat is a go-to heating choice for luxury homeowners. This post explains what you can expect once the system is done both during the curing process and once you can experience the full heating benefit.

Radiant heat is a quality heat solution for luxury homeowners. The following post explains more about what you can expect once the installation is done.

Waiting for Floor Curing

Although the physical floor heating system is ready to go as soon as the installation is complete, the floor finish you choose needs time to “cure” after the initial install if it requires any mortar.

Like a home’s foundation, the mortar needs time to settle, dry, and fully form into every nook and cranny of the flooring installation area. If you turn on your heat too soon, the mortar may crack, and that could potentially void the mortar product’s warranty in certain situations. There isn’t a surefire way of testing this, but your radiant heat installation team will advise on the best way to cure your floor, so you’ll have an optimal system.

Expect anywhere from 3-15 days curing, depending on the type of floor.

Smooth, Consistent Heat

Perhaps the single biggest improvement you’ll notice is the increase in the quality and spread of heat within the radiant installation space. Radiant heat by far offers some of the smoothest and most consistent heat as the warmth rises from below and spreads evenly across the room with no hot spots or cold spots. If you’re doing radiant heat in one specific space, you’ll certainly notice a difference compared to other parts of your home.

Big Energy Savings

Lastly, although radiant heat has higher up-front costs, the long-term savings of the system are certainly noticeable. Radiant heat uses fewer resources over time and is generally a heating system with much less environmental impact. This goes for maintenance as well, as radiant heat doesn’t require much more than an annual checkup, and you can expect a healthy, long life out of your new radiant heat system.


You can expect years and years of quality, consistent heat out of your radiant heat system and a professional radiant heat installation team will make sure that the project is done right the first time. Homeowners across the Portland area trust The Earth Heating for their radiant heat needs. Call (503) 788-7777 to learn more.

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